National Election of Cambodia 1998 - Province Results

This dataset contains the results of the national election of Cambodia in 1998, detailed at the provincial level. It includes province code, province name in English and Khmer, voter details, and the distribution of seats among political parties.

The table below presents a preview of the data explore, featuring key details about various datasets. Please use the pagination controls at the bottom to navigate through the dataset.

No data found

Below is a column legend explaining each column in the dataset, including its name, data type, and a brief description of what it represents.

KHETCODENumberProvince Code
PROVINCETextName of the Province in English
KHETTextKhmer Name of the Province
Elig_VNumberEligible Voters
Reg_VNumberRegistered Voters
Vote_T_OutNumberVote Turnout
Total_SeatNumberTotal Seats
cppNumberSeats won by CPP
funcinpecNumberSeats won by FUNCINPEC
srpNumberSeats won by SRP
CoR_SeatNumberSeats won by Coalition of Royalists
ReferencesTextReferences and Sources

This section provides a list of available file formats for download. To obtain the data in your preferred format, simply click the download button corresponding to your choice.

NameFile FormatSizeAction
NationalElectionofCambodia1998-ProvinceResults.csvCSV3.96 KB

Our API enables you to request and commence exploring our datasets. To utilize this functionality, please copy the code provided below into your preferred development environment, execute it, and you will receive structured data in return.

const url = "";

  .then(response => {
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error('Failed to fetch data');
    return response.json();
  .then(data => {
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error fetching data:', error);

Managed by

National Election Committee

Data Source






API Calls




Created at

30 Jul 2024

Updated at

30 Jul 2024