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Understanding dataset

Once you find a dataset of interest, click on the dataset card and you will be redirected to a page with more details on that specific dataset. Beware that different datasets might have different detail structures. However, when you explore our dataset page, we usually provide many information regarding the dataset such as:

  • Dataset Title : At the top of the page is the title of the dataset along with its description.
  • Data Visualization : The chart allows users to preview visualizations of datasets. These interactive and customizable charts, including bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and scatter plots, offer a dynamic and engaging way to explore data
  • Map View : It provides an interactive map display of available datasets. Use the map to explore data points visually, navigate different regions, adjust the view using the zoom controls, and move the map by dragging it to your area of interest.
  • Data Viewer : You can view the dataset directly in a table format, eliminating the need for downloads. Additionally, we offer data visualizations (line charts/bar charts) to help you easily understand and interpret the data.
  • Real-Time API : A Real-time API allows users and developers to access and download real-time, up-to-date data as it is generated. This ensures applications stay current and responsive, providing continuous updates with low latency. Suitable for various industries like exchange rate, weather services, a Real-time API enhances user experience and decision-making by delivering the latest data instantly.
  • Column Definition : We provide metadata which helps you understand the information about each column in the dataset, such as its data type and any additional specifications.
  • Download section : This section allow you to download the full dataset directly and for free.
  • API Query : Some dataset provide you OpenAPI which meant for use by developers who want to programmatically access the dataset.
  • Usage Information : Last but not least, there are some other usage information such as dataset created date, last updated date, data source (which refer to which organization provide the data), information of which organization managed the data, and specially, the count of total views, total downloads and total API calls.

Again, please note that not all datasets can provide every section described above, and some datasets may offer even more information. However, we are trying our best to be as detailed as possible. Go ahead explore and play around with our datasets of different format.

Getting help

If you have any concern about any dataset or any questions regarding Data EF in general, please feel free to reach out to us. Go to Help Center page, scroll down to the Get In Touch section and send in your queries. We will try our best to assist you.

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